In the past few weeks, Tina Fey has been portraying Sarah Palin in 2 Saturday Night Live scetches. The jokes are hilarious, but are these Sarah Palins' actual words or is it written by the SNL writers? When Tina was asked a question by Katie Couric, played by Amy Poehler, about foreign policy, Tina had an answer, but made a circle around answering the specific question. She said that her foreign policy was to "shoo" the Russians away every morning. She never had an answer to what she would specifically do to solve the economic crisis. Tina went on about not enough jobs, and somehow healthcare came into her answer. Sure, it was funny, but when watching the actual interview with Palin and Couric, it seemed very similar. Palin never pin-pointed how she would solve something. She gives very broad answers to most questions given, and she is portrayed correctly on SNL. Does Palin have an precise answer to Foreign Policy? Well, watch the video on http://www.nbc.com/Saturday_Night_Live/ and find out for yourselves.