Up 'till now, researching has been fine, finding (2!) people to interview was OK, and having the interview was easier than I thought. It had to be too good to be true. Last Tuesday, I came home from dance at around 8, checked my email, and found out that the person I wanted to interview wanted to do the interview that night at 9. I had the questions all ready (thank god), but I didn't have time to e-mail Mr.Bolos to tell him that I was having the interview. So, I had the interview anyways, because Mr. Falzone (my interviewee) didn't have many other opportunities to do this interview with me. The interview went perfectly. I started recording, and for the next 45 minutes, Mr. Falzone and I talked about everything you can talk about with film censorship (my J.T. topic). I thought I was golden, that nothing could go wrong now. I had my (perfect) interview, all my research, and now all I had to do was get this paper over with, no offense. Again, it was too good to be true. Since I didn't schedule my interview with Bolos, it may be lost forever. Awesome.
(Here's a piece of advice: SCHEDULE YOUR INTERVIEW WITH BOLOS!!)