Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Pledge of the '40's

This clip (that wouldn't upload!!) is from a movie called "The Red Pony". The reason I was watching this movie was because the kids that I babysit love watching old movies from the '40's and '50's. I noticed this particular clip only because, earlier that week in class,we had been discussing how back in the '40's, the pledge was said with your arm reaching out towards the flat, similar to the German solute to Hitler. Another interesting thing about the clip is that, during this time, the phrase "Under God" was not yet added. If you want to see the clip, just go to YouTube (or Google Video) and type in "The Red Pony Pledge of Allegiance" and click the first link! It's a really interesting clip!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

These American Flags

Trying to notice something that, normally I would have passed by, was interesting. When driving down Wilmette Ave., I just happened to look to my right and notice this picture: around 6 American Flags jammed into the smallest corner in the smallest window of the hardware store. Not in the picture, but above these flags, were more flags, folded up and on a shelf. How would I analyze this? No clue. Seeing as every time I have driven by, since last week, the flags have remained in the same position. Have they gone unnoticed? Maybe it was just too much of a hassle to present the flags in a respectful way. In the largest window of the store (there were 2 large windows, and this small window next to the door), were vacuums and tools. Are these supplies more important than the American Flag? The display of these flags may be a sign of the lack of patriotism of the guy who shoved the flags in the corner. You would think that the American Flag, a symbol of freedom and America, would be more proudly displayed, even in this small of a window.