In class over the pass few weeks, we have discussed whether or not politics should be discussed in class. At first I thought, 'Why not?'. But during the day, my friend asked me what Palin's first name was. I was taken back, shocked. I asked the person if that was a serious question. Their answer was 'Yeah...'. Then I realized, if politics were a large percent of the discussions taking place in A.S., and some students didn't know much about politics, they have nothing to say. They sit and listen, and don't get a chance to participate because they maybe just aren't 'into' politics. So, sure, I don't mind if people voice their opinions in school or loudly support a candidate. But I don't think it's fair when the topic for the majority of class is something that you would have to be tuned into to know about, like a debate or a speech. I like talking about it, personally, but for a student who doesn't follow politics, I see how confusing it must be to sit in class and not have an idea what is going on. Should politics be discussed in class?
That's funny Madeline because i just wrote my blog about how we talk about politics in class and some of us have no clue what we are talking about half the time.
I think that it is a little bit unfair to the people in class that don't really pay attention to all of the politic stuff because they have to sit around in class and just listen the whole time.
I mean i am not really into politics myself, so i can never voice my opinion in class because i don't watch the debates or anything.
I think that its okay to talk about politics sometimes in class, but everyday is just too much because then not everyone can get participation points if they don't know what's going on.
I think that politics should be talked about in the classroom, but to a certain extent. People should share their views, and we should all be educated on the situation. I heard a story about a girl who thought that Sarah Palin went to our school. That is not okay. We should all know who the canidates and their running mates are and what they stand for. But we should not be told what to believe, we should be able to make our own opinions about the canidates.
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